Senior Ella Fox Performs at Carnegie Hall

Ella Fox, a senior of Mineral Point, was selected for the 2022 Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. She performed as an Alto in the Honors Treble Choir. Participation in one of the five Honors Ensembles is limited to the highest-rated high school performers from across the world! Fox auditioned for the Honors Performance Series in 2019 and was recently accepted by the Honors Selection Board. Acceptance into the elite group directly results in talent, dedication, and achievements demonstrated in application and audition recording. Fox participated with students from 47 different states for exceptional performance at the world-famous Carnegie Hall, a venue that marks the pinnacle of musical achievement.

All of the finalists came together in New York City for five days in February. She had the opportunity to learn from world-renowned conductors, work with other finalists, and get a taste of New York City. Carnegie Hall states, “After having performances worldwide impacted for over a year, we are excited to be returning to the stage at Carnegie Hall. Being selected to the Honors Performance Series is something each Finalist should be extremely proud of accomplishing,” said Marion Gomez, Program Director for the Honors Performance Series. “We processed nearly 10,000 nominations this year and have selected over 500 of the most talented student performers from around the world. Working with these conductors and performing at Carnegie Hall is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that these musicians will never forget.” During Fox’s trip, she saw two Broadway shows, toured Times Square, visited the Top of the Rock Observatory, performed at Carnegie Hall, and partied on a private yacht with the other top finalists. She also completed a solo at such a famous and well-known hall. Fox shared, “During this experience, I learned how to listen to myself and blend my voice with others. My favorite part of the trip was making great friendships and being surrounded by so much talent. Moving forward, I plan to apply what I learned to upcoming auditions for college and festivals. In college, my goal is to major in Environmental Science while minoring in Vocal Performance. I haven’t decided where I will be studying yet, but so far my top choices are Colorado State University and Rocky Mountain College.”