Wrestling Pre-Season Q&A with Mr. Fiedler


Macy Kinch

Mr. Fiedler

Have you ever wondered how Coach Curtis Fiedler gets ready for the season? Here are some preseason questions he answered.

How long have you been coaching Mineral Point Wrestling?
This will be my fourth year coaching.

What is your favorite thing about getting ready for preseason?
Honestly, like for preseason stuff, there isn’t anything fun about it. It’s a lot of busy work and getting stuff organized and ready for the season. And thank God I’ve got excellent managers that keep me organized and do much of that work. If it weren’t for them, I’d be lost at sea. So again, I guess the biggest thing that would excite me for the wrestling season before it starts is the anticipation of the season.

What’s your favorite kind of fundraising?
My favorite fundraising, probably; I guess this one really isn’t fundraising. But I would put the little kids’ tournament in that category. Because it’s fun to watch the little kids, if it’s the middle school guys, it’s cool to take a peek at what we have coming in the future. If it’s the little guys, it’s fun to watch them, learn the sport and mess around out there. And you know, they’re either getting a takedown or taken down every two seconds and then they roll around the mat for a minute. So that’s what I would put as my favorite fundraiser.

What’s your favorite cheer?
Favorite cheer? Are you talking about when I was in school or now? I don’t know them now—cheers when I was in school. My favorite one was, let’s say, whoever’s name has the power. Whoever’s name has the beat. And that was my favorite cheer when I was a wrestler and was wrestling.

What’s your favorite drill and punishment?
Drill and punishment. It’s a drill and a punishment, and the kids hate it. It’s called Sharkbait. The kids absolutely despise it, where it’s just one kid constantly doing something in a group of three. And then the next kid does it for however long. They hate it. But I enjoy that one very much.

What’s your favorite team to beat?
My goodness. It’s tough to say because, like, when I was wrestling. It was, Iowa Grant that was always the rival. They had some awesome wrestlers. You know now, you’d probably put Fenimore in that category, but Iowa Grant is still really good. And you know, Riverdale is always a solid team, and Darlington’s an up-and-coming team. So I don’t know if I necessarily have a favorite. I prefer to beat all of them and not worry about it.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.